Earn with the portal

If you own magazine, blog or other website, or just standard Facebook account and you want to earn, we prepared for you the way how to achieve it with our portal www.sms-portal.eu.

This is the way to earn, when visitor brought by you, will order the credit and for your recommendation (banner, article, link), you will receive either financial remuneration (20%) or SMS credit (40%).

Every remuneration is calculated of the amount of the first invoice paid for SMS credit by the first visitor brought by you. Since the minimal amount to charge is 10€ (bank transfer), or 20€ (PayPal, payment by card), the minimal amount, which you will receive for each visitor, who purchased the credit, is 2-4€ or 4-8€ in the form of credit.

Affiliate system is fully automatized, just Sign up in our system and in administration you will see an overview of the number of clicks (thus of the number of visitors, who came through your partner link, recommendation) and the amount, which you have already earned.

Transfer of earnings is possible through PayPal or bank transfer after verification of individual payments and in collection of at least 30€ remuneration. If you choose the payout in the form of SMS credit, so it will be immediately credited to the account after verification without necessity to collect the minimal amount of remuneration.

20% / 40%

You decide which remuneration you want. 20% to the account, or 40% in the form of SMS credit?

30 €

Payout to your bank account or PayPal just from 30€.

30 days

Validity of cookies is 30 days.

6 €

Average remuneration of one registration/payment.

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